Why Invest in a Natural Wood Floor?

Why Invest in a Natural Wood Floor?

If you are looking for a way to enhance your property installing a good quality wooden floor is well worth considering. Wooden floors are very popular and are sought after by people who are looking for homes or offices. Installing good quality floors in a property can enhance its value and make it far easier to sell.

Why natural wood is better than fake wood

However, it is important that the floor be made of good quality materials. It can be tempting to opt for a cheaper floor made out of a veneered material. At first, these floors look good, but, usually, after a few months they begin to look tired and worn.

Natural wood is far more durable than most veneers, so wears better. This means that, provided it is looked after, it will look beautiful even decades after it has been laid. If any areas show signs of wear this is not a problem because the floor can be sanded down and restored to its former glory. With veneered or fake wooden floor, this is not usually a viable option. Sanding the floor removes all of the finish leaving the MDF or other base material exposed.

Antique wooden floors are a great investment

The fact that wood is so durable is borne out by the fact that specialist firms like Victorian Woodworks, who lay high-end floors, use antique and reclaimed wood for most of their projects. The floors they create are stunning and have been installed in every kind of building from private homes to the National Portrait Gallery.  In some cases, the timber used is literally hundreds of years old, but it looks just as good today as the day it was first used. Antique wood has a depth and richness that new wood does not, which is one reason these floors are so beautiful.

One thought on “Why Invest in a Natural Wood Floor?

  1. I found the information very helpful as this blog beautifully guides us why one should invest in a natural wood floor moreover provides us a reason why it is better than fake wood. I have learned some new information. Very interesting to read this article.
    Thanks for sharing.

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