How Often Should You Deep Cleaning Your Carpet?

How Often Should You Deep Cleaning Your Carpet?

If it is new year and you have lot of plan ahead, but there is one thing which should be on top of your priority list. It is the deep cleaning of your carpet. Well, according to carpet cleaning professionals, you should deep clean your carpet once in 12 months. But, in certain situations, you can do it on a more frequent basis. If you are thinking of how often you should go for professional carpet cleaning , then here are recommendations from experts.

Are there any cigarette smokers in the house?

If you have cigarette smokers in the house, then you should deep cleaning your carpet every three months with chain smokers and at least every six months with light smokers. Cigarette smoke has several kinds of gases and particulate matter which can lead to cancer in some cases. They may get absorbed in the dust of your carpet or rugs and upholstery. As per a study, the toxins can get re-emitted in the air and recombine to create harmful compounds. Deep carpet cleaning with Canada Clean Home eradicates these toxins and doesn’t allow them to re-enter your house’s air.

Are there kids in the house?

If you kids in the house, then you should go for deep cleaning in every 6 months. Kids may cause more spills and dirt in the house. Thus, professional carpet cleaning will do spot cleaning with products and machines and clean all the messes. The major concern is to prevent the kids from getting exposed to the dirt and harmful things hidden in the carpet. Your little one would love to play on the carpet, hence they are likely to be exposed to the pollution of the carpet. Deep cleaning will remove the contaminants and lower the chance of exposure. Canada Clean Home uses professional grade machine to deep clean your carpet.

Are there pets in the house?

If you have a furry friend in the house, the deep cleaning should be done in every 6 months. Carpets and rugs trap the pet danger in their fibres. It is convenient for pet dander to get settled in your carpet. Even dried saliva, urine and faeces can get trapped in your carpet. Though regular vacuuming helps, but it doesn’t remove all the particles which penetrate deep in the surface. Hence, deep cleaning is essential. It truly and thoroughly removes these dirt from your carpet and doesn’t let any allergy come inside the house. Remember a build-up of pet allergens may affect your respiratory tract and lower the functioning of your lungs. The best to avoid it is by getting deep cleaning of your carpets on a semi-annual basis.

First an analysis would be done whether your carpet needs deep cleaning or not and then the professional will schedule it for you. You can go for professional level cleaning for your carpet in every 6 months to make your carpets dirt free. Contact Canada Clean Home and book an appointment now!

2 thoughts on “How Often Should You Deep Cleaning Your Carpet?

  1. Carpet is also really useful thing to decor houses and offices. It is so important cause carpet cleaning can make your carpets spoiled if not done in a perfect way. And we must keep them so clean to looks beautiful.Thank you for sharing a wonderful tips with us and keep sharing.

  2. This article provides valuable insights and practical advice for homeowners who don’t know how often they should deep clean their carpets. Keeping your carpet clean is crucial for a healthy home! I think Deep cleaning every 12-18 months is a good rule of thumb for most households. However, factors like pets, kids, or heavy foot traffic might call for more frequent cleanings, perhaps every 6-12 months. Regular vacuuming helps, but a professional deep clean ensures your carpet stays fresh and free of hidden grime.

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