Curtain is an indispensible item for home decorating. When choosing it, you need learn some skills, for It is not so easy as only some curtain fabric. There are lots of inside story and traps in it. MelodyHome shares you some skills of answering the traps from the curtain businessmen. You can save a lot of money for your dream bedrooms if you understand this article.
The price of mounting is much higher than the price of cloth.
When you are delighted that you it only costs you few hundreds for the curtain cloth, you should know that the price is several times higher when add the cost of the mountings.
For example, the cloth only cost you one hundred dollars for the four windows. But the profiteer can count it to 1000 dollars. He will add all kinds of gadgets to you. In fact, some of them are useless or huge expensive such as the lead line. This kind of heavy metal has huge influence on people’s health. You had better not accept it if you have choice. The cloth can naturally droop under its own gravity. There is no need for you to use the lead line. But the profiteers often exaggerate its function as if the curtain cannot work without it.
The profiteer do not count the total cost and just make lists
Though the price is not so high for every item, but the total cost can surprise you. Once you made the order, you would find out that the pricing is surprising when install. But you have to install it at that time.
The drape is not the more the better
The drape of 1.5 to 2 times has fine effect. But the profiteer will tell you that only 3 times above can have good effect.
Coping strategy
Many people know nothing about the curtain. They may be affected by the words from the shop assistant and place an order at the first shop. In fact, the curtain is not high tech products. If you know what l am talking about, you are the experts of it. As long as the material is the same, there is no quality difference between the curtains from the anonymous producers and the most famous producers. You are not buying the clothes, which involve the crafts and scissoring. And you are not buying food, which has something to do with the hygiene and recipe. What the curtain manufactures comparing is the pattern design. If the famous pattern design from the famous designer is imitated by small industrials, you cannot distinguish it. Most of the modern curtains are embroidered automatically by computers. As long as the curtain is beautiful and has fine drape effect, the curtain is a good curtain. Click here to learn more.