Top 7 Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bills After You Install Air Conditioning

Top 7 Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bills After You Install Air Conditioning

Around 40% of your monthly energy bill is taken up by the air conditioning systems. With summers approaching, you will surely want to hunt as many ways as possible to take care of the bill. The larger the home or apartment, more the energy consumption would be. Due to the constant depletion of energy, there is an urgent need to conserve energy, and for that, you must use electronic gadgets that come equipped with energy-saving features.

Air Conditioning

Here are some simple tricks that you can use to take down your energy bills considerably:

Switch to Fans:

The most obvious trick that anybody would tell you is installing a fan. You might take it as a joke, but it is known to cool the room temperature by 5 to 10 degrees through the wind-chill effect. But it will help you to disperse the cool air from the air conditioning unit.

Vents Open and Clean:

Air conditioning professionals have noted that majority of the times the vents are closed. In fact, some even claim that closing the vents can reduce energy consumption. For the complete solution to air circulation problems, it is very important to clean up the vents and to keep them open. Hence, the first thing you need to do is open up the vents so that the air conditioner is not pressurized for cooling the room.


Using an energy efficient air conditioning unit is not enough. You will have to maintain it so that it functions efficiently. If you neglect the equipment and do not care, then it will certainly take the cooling costs up. This is because the dirty filters block the airflow that overloads the unit to work harder, and to ensure this, you must replace the cooling filters of the air conditioning system every month. In case, you have central cooling facilities, the unit’s condenser coils have to be clear of debris, dirt and leaves etc.

Creating Shade:

Temperature rise outside will inevitably affect the temperatures inside. The best thing to do is closing the curtains and blinds. This way you can block the heat outside considerably. There are ample reflective blinds in the market that you can invest in. Use light-colored blinds as experts say such shades block the heat outdoor from radiating inside. You can even consider planting medium sized potted plants on your windows. They can help in keeping the heat outside.

Restrict using Oven:

Take the cooking outside that involves a lot of heat. For instance, you can grill or fry outdoors if you have any space. The more heat is produced indoors, the more it will pressurize the air conditioning units to cool off. This will only drill a hole in your pocket while paying the energy bill. Look out for alternative cooking that involves lesser heat.

Adjust the Thermostat:

Experts have brought it to the notice that even though people have the adjustable thermostat, they would do nothing about it. When nobody is home except for your pet, you can think of adjusting the thermostat. This practice has known to offer annual savings of up to 30%. Go ahead and adjust the thermostat right away. It is absolutely fine if your cat or dog is alone at home.

Use AC Cautiously:

The best solution is to use the air conditioning units economically. For instance, you enter your home and switch on the AC to the highest setting will not help you in any way. In fact, it will simply burden you with a heavy energy bill.

The above-discussed tricks will certainly help you in dealing with the energy bills efficiently. It is better not to switch on the air conditioning system along with the other gadgets, as this can take a toll on your monthly utility bills. If you would like to know more then click here and get some more useful information.

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