Five Reasons To Choose Double-Glazed Windows

Five Reasons To Choose Double-Glazed Windows

When thinking about renovating the windows, many people immediately discount the use of double glazing. Whilst older units were on the unsightly side and often not made that well, the double-glazed windows available now can be sourced in a variety of styles and colors to fit with almost any architectural style. They often come with a long guarantee. Here are five reasons why your home would benefit from double-glazed windows.

  1. Save Money And Energy

Around 25% of the heat lost in homes goes through the windows, which will of course push up your heating bill higher than it needs to be. The cost of energy has increased a lot in recent years, so it’s important to try to use as little as possible in the home. By installing double-glazed windows, this heat loss can be arrested, saving you money. Depending on the style of your windows, you could also notice a massive difference in the draught-proofing, especially if you have old or ill-fitting sash windows. The heating loss can be reduced further if low emissivity glass is installed, which lets the heat of the sun pass into the room whilst not allowing the heat to leave.

  1. Burglar-Proof

Whilst double-glazed windows are certainly not shatter-proof, they do provide a home with additional security when compared to single-paned windows. This security comes in two ways: firstly, a double-glazed window consists of two panes of glass, thus making it more difficult to break; secondly, double-glazed windows are usually easier to lock and secure, making it more difficult for an intruder to gain access.

  1. Safer For The Family

In the event that a double-glazed window does actually break, it is unlikely to shatter, unlike traditional windows. This is because a double-glazed window is often made of laminated or toughened glass, meaning that when it breaks it tends to do so in a more controlled fashion, reducing the chance of injury to family members.

  1. A Range of Aesthetic Choices

There is a wide variety of options available when you are selecting a UPVC unit. Many suppliers offers a massive selection of designs, materials and colours for windows and doors. It is true that a number of people are not fond of the look of the old white double-glazed window unit, but the range of choices now available makes it easier for people to find what they like. Whether you are looking for a replacement for a traditional sash window or any other window shape, it is likely that you will be able to find a direct replacement in a more energy-saving version.

  1. Easy To Care For

It is the case that most UPVC window units require very little in the way of maintenance. When compared to traditional hardwood window units, their UPVC equivalents are far easier to take care of. While hardwood units need to be treated regularly to maintain their condition and appearance, UPVC units often only need the odd wipe-down to keep them clean. If units do become damaged, they are incredibly easy to replace.

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