Nature has always played the role of protector for humans. In the laps of Mother Nature, we tend to forget all our tensions and worldly problems. Nature provides us peace, comfort and luxury. It snatches away all our negativities and teaches us important values such as modesty, patience, thankfulness, peace and happiness. We can harness the true power of Nature by planting trees in our surroundings.
Significance of Home Gardens:
After a long and tiring day, one needs natural peace and comfort at home. It’s important for us to breathe in fresh air and home gardens fulfil this purpose. Due to complex infrastructure of metropolises and increasing number of multi-storey buildings and skyscrapers, it becomes difficult for folks to have gardens in their front porch or the backyards.
Terrace gardens are great alternatives to outdoor gardens and provide us some relief.
What Are Terrace Gardens?
Terrace gardening or terrace farming is the practice of growing plants on open terraces. These gardens not only provide a natural and rich appearance to our homes but they’ve several health benefits of their own.
Health Benefits of Terrace Gardens:
# Plants that are grown in the artificial settings of a terrace garden have measureable benefits for folks who come in contact with them. They carry out natural procedures like transpiration, guttation and photosynthesis to add oxygen and moisture to the air thereby, refreshing our surrounding environment.
# NASA discovered that house plants filter the air by removing carbon dioxide and airborne toxins such as benzene, carbon monoxide, chloroform, formaldehyde, xylene, ammonia and chloroform, which are released by manmade materials, electrical gadgets, laminate flooring, wall papers, carpets, ceiling tiles, sprays, room-fresheners and chipboards.
These toxins produce side-effects like headaches, fatigue, allergies, dizziness, skin infections and fatal nervous disorders. We can easily combat these symptoms by growing peace lilies, golden photos vine, Aglaonema, African violets and bamboo palms on terrace.
# Plants like English ivy, Boston fern, Janet Craig Dracaena and Dwarf date palm serve as excellent pollution busters that trap pollutants released from furnaces, chimneys and fireplaces. They remove noxious odors from the air.
# Waking up to an environment embellished with plants is helpful in removing negative elements from our system. Green is a soothing color for eyes. It has a calming sensation on our body. People, who’ve their rooms near terrace, should keep their doors and window open in the morning so that they can witness the magnificent greenery around them.
# Doctors recommend folks to take a casual stroll on their terrace gardens at least twice a day. If possible, try to grow grass patches on the roof. Walking on green grass early in the morning keeps your heart strong and helps you control body aches and joint pain. Walking on dew-laden grass is good for eyes and lungs.
# Many people include ornamental plants and sweet-smelling flowers like marigolds, roses, lilies and jasmine on the roof. The pleasant fragrance of these flowers relieves tension and uplifts your spirit.
# You can grown medicinal plants and herbs like holy basil (Osmium sanctum), ginger, turmeric and Indian Lilac (Azadirachta indica) for treating common diseases, preparing homemade face packs and curing allergies.
# One can grow fresh fruits and vegetables on rooftop gardens. This way, you don’t have to rely on artificially preserved items from the supermarket.
# Last but not the least, terrace gardens have a positive psychological benefits. Based on their results of a survey conducted by Live Sciences magazine, folks who cultivated terrace gardens experienced less stress and depression because plants improve circulation of fluids, promote healthy functioning of lungs and lower blood pressure.
About Me: Joana Armie is a blogger from London UK. She has interest in reading and writing articles .As if now she is busy doing a research work on EHIC card which explains about procedure for applying for health insurance.